About the Language

Ga is spoken by members of the Ga tribe in the South Eastern part of Ghana. It is a Kwa language and part of the Niger-Congo language family of languages. 

Main Communities

Accra, including Labadi and Old Accra

Common last names in the Ga ethnic group:

  • Poku 
  • Tetteh
  • Laryea
  • Clottey
  • Addo

Staple Food

Kɔmi – also known asKenkey. It is made from fermented steamed corn dough. It is known to help regulate blood sugar due to its high fiber content. Kɔmi is typically eaten with sauces like shito.

Culture and Traditions

Homowo  (Hɔmɔwɔ) – The word Homowo means “hooting at hunger” and the festival is celebrated in memory of a great famine that affected the Ga people many years ago. The Homowo festival is celebrated every August and. It is mainly a food festival which activities such as the sprinkling of “KPOKPOI” (the festival dish) and a period of no noisemaking. Homowo also marks the Ga new year.

Fantasy Coffins The Ga people believe in the afterlife and are well known for their “fantasy” coffins.  These special coffins are crafted by highly skilled carpenters and designed to match the essence of the deceased. A teacher, for example, might have a coffin that looks like a pencil while a taxi driver might have his in the form of a car

Notable figures:

Carl Christian Reindorf – Historian. He wrote “A History of the Gold Coast and Asante” in Ga language. It was later translated into English and, to this day, is considered as culturally important work . He also contributed in writing the new Ga Bible.

Guy Warren – Musician Also known as Guy Warren of Ghana and Kofi Ghanaba, he was passionate about reuniting African-American Jazz with its African roots. He pioneered the Afro Jazz music genre and was one of the most weel-travelled Ghanaian musicians of the 20th century.

Joselyn Dumas – Actress. She earned a Ghana Movie Award for her role in the 2014 movie "A Northern Affair" as well as an Africa Movie Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Dumas is Dumas is also a television host and producer.