Discover Mandinka

Mandinka, also known as Mandingo, is spoken by over 2 million people primarily in Gambia. It is a Mande language and belongs to the Niger-Congo language family of languages. It is also spoken in Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau.

Main Communities

Kombo south (Gambia), Central River Region (Gambia), Casamance region (Senegal)

Common Mandinka Names:

  • Tungbulu - Determination
  • Nyaling - Self-confidence
  • Kamara - Wise one

Staple Food

Domoda, is a rich and creamy peanut based dish originating from the Mandinka tribe. It promotes muscle growth, supports heart health, and improves sperm quality. Domoda is typically served with rice or couscous. 

Mbahal, is a traditional Gambian dish that showcases the rich flavors of smoked fish, dried okra, peanuts and Locust beans. It is mostly eaten on Fridays in urban homes. Mbahal food contains anti-aging properties and decreases the risk of acquiring heart diseases.

Culture and Traditions

Kuyangwoo, is a traditional Mandinka rite of passage marking the transition from childhood to adulthood for children aged 4 to 14. As part of the ceremony, participants undergo ritual genital cutting in gender-separated groups. In the past, they would spend a year in the bush, but this period has now been reduced to three to four weeks to allow for healing. During this time, they are taught life skills, community values, and the responsibilities expected of them as they grow older

The Kora: The kora, a symbol of Mandinka musical tradition, is a stunning 21-string instrument crafted from half a calabash, elegantly covered with cowhide and adorned with decorative tacks. Its unique sound holes double as coin holders, where tokens of appreciation are stored for the mesmerizing performances of Mandinka praise singers. These skilled musicians, known as "jalibaas" or "jalis," carry the rich oral history and soul of their culture through every note they play.

Notable figures:

Sona Jobarteh - Sona Jobarteh is a talented musician from the Gambia and the first woman to master the kora, a 21-string African harp. She mixes traditional African music with modern sounds, sharing her songs with the world. Sona also started The Gambia Academy to teach kids about their culture and leadership. She inspires people everywhere with her music and dedication.

Joseph Ki-Zerbo - A great teacher and writer from Burkina Faso who loved sharing Africa’s history. He wrote a famous book called "History of Black Africa" to help people learn about Africa’s past. He believed education was very important for building a better future. Joseph also worked hard to make life fairer and better for African people. He inspired many to be proud of their culture and dream big.